W A V E S – art initiative for the oceans is an association founded by interdisciplinary Swiss artist and sailor Anthony Bannwart in February 2019.

The sea has inspired many artists, writers, poets, dancers and filmmakers. Humanity has been benefitting from the sea for centuries. But we shouldn’t forget to give back to the sea and keep it alive. The goal of the association is to bring awareness to how art can be a medium to give back to the sea, by acting towards environmental predicament in and beyond water.

As a nomadic gallery, W A V E S – art initiative for the oceans is an ode to the sea with curated artworks for sale, of which some proceeds are donated supports for example the Geneva-based Race for Water Foundation, which through the development of innovative solutions fights plastic pollution. The association also endorses the chosen foundation throughout the year with public relations and multi-media coverage whenever possible.

Each year, W A V E S acknowledges an award donation to mark the current exhibition. The past WAVES  AWARD, such as the bronze sculpture of a wave in motion detail, for example, were created and donated by Anthony Bannwart. The covid pandemic reduced all efforts of the W A V E S exhibitions and 2022 marks the return of the program with exhibitions and the award.